Executive Director /

Physical Address
377 Main St
Nettleton, Mississippi 38858
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 393
Nettleton, MS 38858
Office Number

Making God's House of Hope possible through
Monetary Donations
Your tax-deductible donation will help us deliver prevention, treatment, and recovery management programs that foster mental, physical, and social health. Your gift will help thousands of men and women on their road to recovery. Join our God's House of Hope Pledge Card program by committing to a monthly donation below!
If paying by check, please make payable to God's House of Hope.
Yard Sales
Throughout the year, God's House of Hope host many yard sales as a way of raising money for our program. We accept donations of any kind to be sold in our yard sales. To donate items, contact us at 662-591-7100. Donations can be dropped off or we will pick them up for you!
Donations of Goods
God's House of Hope of Nettleton is in need of a toilet paper, Pinesol, Clorox, garbage bags (13 / 33 gallon), kitchen condiments, canned goods, meats, vinegar, basic toiletries, washing powders, brooms, mops, rakes, and wheel barrows for residents. We are also in need of lawn mowers or some vans for transporting residents.
Any consideration is welcomed and greatly appreciated.